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AJAX - Return Arrays and Structs to your JavaScript with XML

The VDF AJAX Library provides the functionality for developers to call published methods within a WBO and receive a return value (for Functions). This is done using a Remote Method Invokation (RMI). Using RMI's for returning a single datatype is fairly straight-forward. If you want to return a Struct, Array , or an Array of Structs you need to do some more work. Remember, you are returning these datatypes to JavaScript and there is no direct translation from a Windows Struct or Array to a JavaScript Struct or Array.


Recent Additions

These are the 10 most recently added pages on
  1. Struct array as a Web Property
  2. Using cWebHttpHandler with JSON instead of tWebValueTree
  3. CCJGrid custom row height
  4. Apply color to codejock grid column headers
  5. Get the selected printer device name
  6. Handler "DataFlex 20.1 Web Services 64bit" has a bad module "IsapiModule" in its module list
  7. DataDictionary tricks
  8. RecnumToRowID
  9. DataFlex Studio Search regex tips
  10. DateTime functions

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