With Service Oriented systems it can be very important to have a log of the XML that has been sent and received by the systems involved, for purposes of determining exactly what went on to cause any given situation (usually an error situation, otherwise there would be no need to look into it). This article looks at how such things can be done and how the logged XML can then be used to investigate the problem.

Web Service XML Logging

There is a very real difficulty regarding accessing the XML which is passed it a VDF Web Service (at least so far as revisions up to VDF 12.1 are concerned). The problem is that the original XML is nowhere available to the VDF program. One possible solution would be to employ some kind of HTTP proxy on the server involved, which would receive the XML (actually HTTP) before it reached IIS, log that, then pass it on to IIS. However here we are going to look at the best that can be managed from within the VDF programming environment at the moment.

Web Service Client XML Logging

Replaying logged XML