AJAX calling an external webservice from the client

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Problem description from Per Thompson

I'm going to use an external WebService which check if an adress exist.

A year ago I tested using webservice a little so I shouldn't be quite unfamilar with that subject but . . . So far I have created a webservice client subclass from the WSDL.

Now I'm stuck about how to invoke the external webservice.

The client/user type in a new address on a page that use the AJAX_Library_for_Visual_DataFlex but the address has to be validated before a save may be performed.

Solving it

In overall the easy way would be to call the external webservice on the serverside. It is rather complex handling SOAP in javascript --Jka 15:03, 13 September 2007 (CEST)

General knowledge

attaching a javascript function to onBeforeSave (inside initForm):

oForm.onBeforeSave = function(oVdfForm, sTable){
       alert("onBeforeSave: " + oVdfForm + " " + sTable);