Add Workspace Parameter

Revision as of 00:11, 11 December 2007 by Hellboy1975 (talk | contribs) (Changing How To/Cookbook -> Tutorials)

How to add a parameter in your .ws file and pass it in to your program. In this example I need to know where the document folder is found for each user, usually the same location for all users. This then allows the Docs folder to be found anywhere on a network. I use a global variable to store the location. If not defined in the .ws file default it from the home location.

I just put this code near the bottom of the source (.src)

Function MyValueWS String sKey Returns String
   String sValue
   String sWorkspaceWSFile 
   Handle hoWorkspace hoIniFile
   Move (phoWorkSpace(ghoApplication)) to hoWorkspace
   Get psWorkspaceWSFile of hoWorkspace to sWorkspaceWSFile 
   Get Create U_cIniFile to hoIniFile
   Set psFilename of hoIniFile to sWorkspaceWSFile 
   Get ReadString of hoIniFile 'Workspace' sKey ' ' to sValue
   Send Destroy of hoIniFile 
   Function_Return sValue

Get MyValueWS "DocsFolder" to gsDocsFolder 
If gsDocsFolder eq "" Begin
   Get psHome of (phoWorkspace(oApplication(Self))) to gsDocsFolder
   Move (gsDocsFolder-"Docs") to gsDocsFolder

//The .ws file may look like this:
Description=MASS - Membership Administration Software Solution - CEPU