Codejock Grid with ProgressBar

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Author and origin

This example code was written by Peter Bragg and comes from the following post at the forum:

cDBCJGrid with ProgressBar

Here's how to do this.

First, we have the following mixin class (with included use statements and defines etc):

 Define clHexOffice_Turquoise    for '#1abc9c'  //Turquoise
 Define clHexOffice_DrkTurquoise for '#16a085'  //GreenSea
 Define clHexOffice_Green        for '#2ecc71'  //Emerald 
 Define clHexOffice_LightGreen   for '#7ee2a8'
 Define clHexOffice_DrkGreen     for '#27ae60'  //Nephritis
 Define clHexOffice_BrightBlue   for '#3498db'  //PeterRiver
 Define clHexOffice_Blue         for '#2980b9'  //BelizeHole
 Define clHexOffice_Purple       for '#9b59b6'  //Amethyst
 Define clHexOffice_DrkPurple    for '#8e44ad'  //Wisteria
 Define clHexOffice_DrkBlue      for '#34495e'  //WetAsphalt
 Define clHexOffice_MidnightBlue for '#2c3e50'  //MidnightBlue
 Define clHexOffice_BrightYellow for '#f1c40f'  //Sunflower
 Define clHexOffice_Yellow       for '#f39c12'  //Orange
 Define clHexOffice_Orange       for '#e67e22'  //Carrot 
 Define clHexOffice_DrkOrange    for '#d35400'  //Pumpkin
 Define clHexOffice_Red          for '#e74c3c'  //Alizarin
 Define clHexOffice_DrkRed       for '#c0392b'  //Pomegranate 
 Define clHexOffice_White        for '#ecf0f1'  //Clouds 
 Define clHexOffice_Silver       for '#bdc3c7'  //Silver
 Define clHexOffice_Grey         for '#95a5a6'  //Concrete
 Define clHexOffice_DrkGrey      for '#7f8c8d'  //Asbestos
   Define eProgressStyle_Normal
   Define eProgressStyle_TrafficLight
 Class mixin_cCJGridProgressBar is a Mixin
   Procedure Define_cCJGridProgressBar_Properties
     {Category="Appearance" InitialValue=False}
     Property Boolean pbProgress         False
     {Category="Appearance" InitialValue=True}
     Property Boolean pbProgressLabel    True
     {Category="Appearance" EnumList="eProgressStyle_Normal,eProgressStyle_TrafficLight" InitialValue=eProgressStyle_Normal}
     Property Integer peProgressStyle    eProgressStyle_Normal  
   Procedure OnSetProgressBarValue Boolean ByRef bVisible String ByRef sLabel Number ByRef nPercentage Integer iRow
   Function DisplayProgress Number nPercentageValue Returns String
     Number  nPercentage nWidth nProgress
     Integer iPercentage eStyle iRow
     String  sProgress sXAML sColor sColorBorder sLightColor sLabel sGBPSymbol
     Boolean bProgress bVisible 
     If (num_arguments>0) Begin
         Move nPercentageValue to nPercentage
     Get pbProgress to bProgress
     If (bProgress) Begin
         Send OnSetProgressBarValue (&bVisible) (&sLabel) (&nPercentage)          
         If (bVisible) Begin
             Get peProgressStyle to eStyle
             // Compose XAML string
             // We need to know the width of the cell
             Get ComWidth to nWidth
             Subtract 6 from nWidth // Margin
             // Calculate length of progressbar:
             Move (nWidth * (nPercentage / 100)) to nProgress
             // If you want to use colors, you'll need to use Hexadecimal colors.
             Move clHexOffice_Grey to sColorBorder
             Case Begin
                 Case ((nProgress<33.3) and (eStyle=eProgressStyle_TrafficLight))
                     Move clHexOffice_Red to sColor
                     Move clHexOffice_Red to sLightColor
                     Case Break
                 Case ((nProgress<66.6) and (eStyle=eProgressStyle_TrafficLight))
                     Move clHexOffice_Orange to sColor
                     Move clHexOffice_Red to sLightColor
                     Case Break
                 Case (nProgress<100)
                     Move clHexOffice_Green to sColor
                     Move clHexOffice_LightGreen to sLightColor
                     Case Break
                 Case Else
                     Move clHexOffice_DrkGreen to sColor
                     Move clHexOffice_Green to sLightColor
             Case End
             Move (Integer(nPercentage)) to iPercentage
             // Compose XAML string                
             Move "<Grid><Border BorderBrush='%2' BorderThickness='1' CornerRadius='5' Height='13' Width='%4'> " to sXAML
             Add " <Border.Background><LinearGradientBrush StartPoint='0, 0' EndPoint='1,0'> <GradientStop Color='#C0CBDF' />" to sXAML
             Add " <GradientStop Color='#DCE9FA' Offset='1'/></LinearGradientBrush></Border.Background>" to sXAML
             Add " <Border HorizontalAlignment='Left' CornerRadius='5,0,0,5' Background='%3'" to sXAML
             Add " Width='%5'><Border.Background><LinearGradientBrush StartPoint='0, 0' EndPoint='1,0'>" to sXAML
             Add " <GradientStop Color='#658C4B' Offset='1'/><GradientStop Color='#A4DB64'/></LinearGradientBrush>" to sXAML 
             Add " </Border.Background></Border></Border><TextBlock VerticalAlignment='Center'"  to sXAML 
             Add " HorizontalAlignment='Center' Text='%1'></TextBlock></Grid>"  to sXAML
             If (pbProgressLabel(Self) and Trim(sLabel)=) Begin
                 Move (String(iPercentage)-'%') to sLabel
             Move (SFormat(sXAML,sLabel,sColorBorder,sColor,String(nWidth),String(nProgress),sLightColor)) to sXAML            
             Move sXAML to sProgress
     Function_Return sProgress

We then incorporate that into a subclass of the cDbCJGridColumn class as follows:

 Class cDemoDbCJGridColumn is a cDbCJGridColumn
   Import_Class_Protocol mixin_cCJGridProgressBar
   Procedure Construct_Object
     Forward Send Construct_Object
     Send Define_cCJGridProgressBar_Properties
   Procedure OnCreateColumn
     Boolean bProgress 
     Forward Send OnCreateColumn
     Get pbProgress to bProgress
     If bProgress Begin
         Delegate Set ComEnableMarkup to True
   Procedure OnSetCalculatedValue String ByRef sValue
     Boolean bProgress
     Get pbProgress to bProgress
     If (bProgress) Begin
         Get DisplayProgress to sValue    
     Forward Send OnSetCalculatedValue (&sValue)

And then you can use this, just as in the Order Entry view, as follows:

Inside the oOrderDtl_Grid object, replace the oInvt_Description column with...

 Object oProgressBar is a cDemoDbCJGridColumn
   Set piWidth to 213
   Set psCaption to "Progress"
   Set pbProgress to True
   Procedure OnSetProgressBarValue Boolean ByRef bVisible String ByRef sLabel Number ByRef nPercentage
     Move (OrderHea.Order_Total>0) to bVisible
     If bVisible Begin
         Move (((OrderDtl.Price*OrderDtl.Qty_Ordered)/OrderHea.Order_Total)*100) to nPercentage
         Move (String(nPercentage)+"%") to sLabel

You can set the label to anything you want - here (above) I've simply set it to show the percentage value, so that you can see it is dynamic. You just have to make sure that it is encoded correctly.

cCJGrid and progressbar

Ok, so same mixin class as before, but this time we use it in a cCjGridColumn (not a cDbCjGridColumn)

 Class cDemoCJGridColumn is a cCJGridColumn
   Import_Class_Protocol mixin_cCJGridProgressBar
   Procedure Construct_Object
       Forward Send Construct_Object
       Send Define_cCJGridProgressBar_Properties
   Procedure OnCreateColumn
       Boolean bProgress 
       Forward Send OnCreateColumn
       Get pbProgress to bProgress
       If bProgress Begin
           Delegate Set ComEnableMarkup to True

And then we can use this inside an example view. Here I've taken the example for a cCjGrid (from the help) but I've added an additional column to show a progress bar

   Object oCustomerGrid is a cCJGrid
       Set Size to 200 300
       Set peAnchors to anAll
       Set pbReadOnly to True
       Set pbSelectionEnable to True      
       Object oCustomer_Customer_Number is a cCJGridColumn
           Set piWidth to 71
           Set psCaption to "Number"
           Set peDataType to Mask_Numeric_Window
           Set psMask to "######"
       Object oCustomer_Name is a cCJGridColumn
           Set piWidth to 257
           Set psCaption to "Customer Name"
       Object oCustomer_Status is a cCJGridColumn
           Set piWidth to 66
           Set psCaption to "Status"
           Set pbCheckbox to True
           Set psCheckboxTrue to "Y"
           Set psCheckboxFalse to "N"
       Object oProgressBar_Column is a cDemoCJGridColumn
           Set piWidth to 206
           Set psCaption to "Progress"
           Set pbProgress to True
           // Here you will need to determine what values to use. Typically this might be a global buffer value
           Procedure OnSetProgressBarValue Boolean ByRef bVisible String ByRef sLabel Number ByRef nPercentage
               Integer iRecs
               Move True to bVisible
               Move "Example" to sLabel
               Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of (RefTable(Customer)) to iRecs
               Move ((Customer.Customer_Number/iRecs)*100) to nPercentage
       Procedure LoadData 
           Handle hoDataSource
           tDataSourceRow[] TheData
           Boolean bFound
           Integer iRows iNum iName iStatus iProgress
           Get phoDataSource to hoDataSource
           // Get the datasource indexes of the various columns
           Get piColumnId of oCustomer_Customer_Number to iNum
           Get piColumnId of oCustomer_Name            to iName
           Get piColumnId of oCustomer_Status          to iStatus
           Get piColumnId of oProgressBar_Column       to iProgress
           // Load all data into the datasource array
           Clear Customer
           Find ge Customer by 1
           Move (Found) to bFound
           While (bFound)
               Move Customer.Customer_Number to TheData[iRows].sValue[iNum] 
               Move Customer.Name            to TheData[iRows].sValue[iName] 
               Move Customer.Status          to TheData[iRows].sValue[iStatus] 
               Get DisplayProgress of oProgressBar_Column to TheData[iRows].sValue[iProgress]
               Find gt Customer by 1
               Move (Found) to bFound
               Increment iRows
           // Initialize Grid with new data
           Send InitializeData TheData
           Send MovetoFirstRow

Obviously this is just a silly example in which I'm calculating a progress value based on the customer number and total number of customer records, but you get the point.