Comparing Sources

When comparing source between different Visual DataFlex versions it is a HUGE time saver to do this using source code compare tools. Below is a few rules one can use to compare sources between VDF11.1 and VDF12.1

The tips below are for a product called Beyond Compare, but i'm sure your product will do fine too. If you are not using a product for this then GO BUY ONE! it is the best investment you can make EVER.

How-to set up Beyond Compare

In order to change the rules on how BC compares, you should go into compare source mode and then click on the "guy with the cap" in the toolbar

General Tab Page

Name : DataFlex
Associated with: .src;*.pkg;*.dg;*.vw;*.dd;*.sl;*.ddo;*.rv;*.tt?;*.wo;*.utl;*.nui
x Whitespace includes TABS and spaces

Importance Tab Page

Unimportant text group >> put a check in all of the checkboxes
This is also the place where you can add custom rules/filters

Custom filters

1. Ignore differences in comments.

Click on New, Category Delimited
Beginning with: //
Check "stopping at end of line"

2. Ignore new metadata markup

Click on New, Category Delimited
Beginning with: {
and ending with: }

3. Ignore "current_object" vs "self" syntax

Click on Regular expressions

4. Ignore difference between writing "Use foo" and "Use foo.pkg"

Click on Regular expressions

5. Ignore constants (need to check this one)

Click on Regular expressions

6. Ignore "string" vs. "local string"

Click on Regular expressions
Replace string with date / integer / number to filter other similar code.