EnablingJSONIN: Difference between revisions

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m (Created page with "Here's how to generate there required files for enabling JSON in your webservice. #Know where your project files are. #Grab DBXRay here : ftp://ftp.stureaps.dk/ #Choose the wor...")
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Revision as of 14:22, 15 April 2011

Here's how to generate there required files for enabling JSON in your webservice.

  1. Know where your project files are.
  2. Grab DBXRay here : ftp://ftp.stureaps.dk/
  3. Choose the workspace using workspace selector
  4. select Functions|Generate Struct Packages for project

Now you can write code like the following:


 Use StructPkg\Struct_tReview.pkg
 Use StructPkg\Struct_tProduct.pkg
 Use StructPkg\Struct_tAddProductRequest.pkg
 Use Product.wo
 Use Structures.pkg
 Object oProductJSON is a cWebService
 Procedure CreateProduct String Request  
       tAddProductRequest stRequest
       tJsonNode stJson
       If (StringToDoc(oJsonFunctions, &request, &stJson)) Begin 
           Send JsonToStruct of oStructHandler_tAddProductRequest stJson (&stRequest)
           Function_Return (CreateProduct(oProduct, stRequest))
       Else Begin
           Error 666 "String parameter does not contain a valid JSON object"

oProduct is a traditional webservice using SOAP.

Now . Given the following structure definitions:

Struct meta

   Boolean success
   String msg    


Struct tReview

   Integer id
   Integer productId
   String comment
   String author


Struct tProduct

   Integer id
   String name
   String company    
   tReview[] reviews


Struct tAddProductRequest

   String token
   tProduct product


Struct tGetProductResponse

   Meta meta
   tProduct product


Struct tRequest

   String token
   Integer identifier


Struct tResponse

   Meta meta
   Integer id   


You will be able to send tAddProductRequest as JSON from the client side as the request parameter