
The NEDC "NorthEast DataFlex Consortium" is a camaraderie* of Visual DataFlex software developers who have joined forces to provide a forum for Visual DataFlex and DataFlex developers and users to exchange information, interests, and business through regular meetings. We also provide the very best in custom software.

"", good will and comradeship among friends.


Meetings of the NEDC are held monthly in New England, USA and feature "tech talk", news, updates on what we're working on, and sharing advice and services with each other. All are welcome; email us for meeting dates and locations.

Key Contacts

  • Applause Software, Peter A Donovan, Massachusetts
  • Auto-Mate Software, Garret Mott, Vermont
  • Joe Coley, Massachusetts/Connecticut

The above contacts can be reached collectively by sending email to Info@NEDataFlex.Com

Please visit our website for more information: