Print to a file using reports

How can I print directly to a file such as PDF or Postscript?

Using WinPDF Pro

The example below uses WinPDF Pro printer driver for the PDF generation, Winprint (or at least the report object in VDF) for the reporting and MAPI for sending the mails directly. Note that each invoice in this example is printed individually.

Pardon the jumbled looking code, but with Win2PDF pro you can do the following:

function JumpStartReport string sInvoice boolean bEmail string sEmailAddress returns boolean
   boolean bExists bMailed
   integer iToPrinter iRepObj iHr iMn iRetval
   string  sVal sDateTime sHr sMn sSetupFile sPath sFilename
   string  sKey sSubKey sOldRegRoot sOldRegBranch sCurrentDevice sMessage
   handle  hoMapiSession
   dWord   dWWSecurityOptions  dWWFileOptions dRetVal
   date    dToday
   get Report_Object_Id To iRepObj
   set pSelStart1 of iRepObj To sInvoice
   set pSelStop1  of iRepObj To sInvoice
   if (bEmail) ;
       set OutPut_Device_Mode to PRINT_TO_PRINTER_NO_DIALOG
   else        ;
       set OutPut_Device_Mode to PRINT_TO_PRINTER
   if (bEmail) begin
       move ("Please find attached your invoice" * sInvoice + ".") to sMessage
       get  DFGetCurrentDevice of iRepObj to sCurrentDevice
       send DFSetDevice        of iRepObj    "Win2PDF"
       get psHome of (phoWorkspace(ghoApplication))          to sPath
       move (sPath + "Documents\")                           to sPath
       move ("Invoice_" + sInvoice + ".pdf")                 to sFilename
       Get_Registry_Root                                     to sOldRegRoot sOldRegBranch
       move "Dane Prairie Systems"                           to sKey
       move "Win2PDF"                                        to sSubKey
       Set_Registry_Root                                     to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE"
       Set_Foreign_Profile_String sKey sSubKey "PDFFileName" to (sPath + sFilename)
       Set_Foreign_Profile_String sKey sSubKey "PDFTitle"    to ("Invoice " + sInvoice)
       Set_Foreign_Profile_String sKey sSubKey "PDFAuthor"   to "Calendar Invoicing"
       Set_Foreign_Profile_String sKey sSubKey "PDFSubject"  to ("Calendar Invoice")
       Set_Registry_Root                                     to sOldRegRoot sOldRegBranch
       //Get CheckFileExists sFileName to bExists
       //If (bExists) Set pbOrgCopyPrinted to TRUE
   end // if (bEmail) begin
   send Run_Report to iRepObj
   if (NOT(bEmail)) procedure_return
   // restore the print device
   send DFSetDevice of iRepObj sCurrentDevice
   // gotta have it
   move oMapiSession to hoMapiSession
   //showln hoMapiSession
   if (NOT(hoMapiSession > 0)) begin
       send Stop_Box "Unable to email invoice."
   send DoInit          of hoMapiSession
   set psMessageSubject of hoMapiSession to ("Daffie Duck Invoice" * sInvoice)
   set psMessageText    of hoMapiSession to sMessage
   send DoAddReceiver   of hoMapiSession MAPI_TO (trim(sEmailAddress)) "" "" 0
   send DoAddAttachment of hoMapiSession (sPath + sFilename) sFilename
   get Logon            of hoMapiSession "" "" 0 to iRetval
   //showln iRetval
   get SendMail         of hoMapiSession (MAPI_NEW_SESSION IOR MAPI_LOGON_UI) TRUE to iRetval
   showln (sInvoice * trim(sEmailAddress) * string(iRetval))
   move (iRetval = 0) to bMailed
   get Logoff           of hoMapiSession to iRetval
   function_return bMailed
end_function // JumpStartReport


Not VDF code, but a code sample that you can use to model against (or use it by wrapping it in a small .net binary)

External Links

OT: Print to a File