ProductReview VDF AJAX implementation
This page describes a VDF AJAX Implementation of the ProductReview example
VDF Ajax implementation
The implementation will be split up into Data Dictionaries, Web Service Objects and web markup . All of these should be familiar to you if you have taken the time to look at the other examples in the VDF Ajax library
Web Service objects
Create a AJAX WebService Object to call from the clientside VDF Ajax lib. This webservice will be responsible for handling the serverside calls.
The Web Service object should provide the following functionality for session management.
- UserLogin: checking if the supplied password is correct. Use User_DD
- HasRights: does the logged in user have the rights to perform the chosen function. Use User_DD
The HasRights function should identify whether the user is administrator or not.
Web Browser Objects
- SessionManager.wo: Handle session related information
- item.wo : handling information about items.
- user.wo : handling information about users
- shop.wo: handling info about places
- rating.wo: handle information about ratings
Access restrictions
"ordinary" users should only be allowed to alter information about themselves - e.g "Joe" should not be allowed to alter the address of "Bob". Ratings should only be edited by the user that entered it (or a system administrator).
only "Administrators" should be allowed to add new products and places to the database. E.g "Joe" should not be able to add all his favourite places and products to the list. "Ordinary" users should only be able to rate an item allready in the system .
Web markup
The web markup should be designed around forms, that evolve around the web objects.
- login.asp: a page showing a login box
- frontpage.asp: display a greeting after a successfull login
- Rating.asp: a list of items with detailed ratings. show details about related users and items.
- Item.asp: Information about an item
- Shop.asp: information about a place where items can be bought ( AJAX Form )
- User.asp: Informaation about usres