
Revision as of 23:31, 21 February 2008 by Jka (talk | contribs) (adding link to svn docs about project structures)

Wil 21:43, 21 February 2008 (CET) For the new vdf-guidance subversion server we are discussing setup details, we figured it would be useful to continue the discussion in the open and do it here. Unfortunately that means you are dropping in the middle of a discussion. will try to make it readable a bit.

The current setup questions are:

  1. What to put on the global ignore list
    1. No parts that can easily be generated
  2. How to setup the default project structure
    1. Should we use trunks and branches?

Global Ignore list

One of the things which we want to customize for using subversion with DataFlex files is the global ignore list. See:


I've just looked over it and i think we want to add the following file types to the ignore list:

*.log               --> No storing of logfiles in our repository
.AppleDouble  --> Ignore apple resource forks (making sure i'm not messing up the repository with my macbook)
*.tre                --> Studio tempfile treeview
*.dsk               --> Studio tempfile
*.pr*               --> DataFlex prn and prp files (compiler output)
*.dbg              --> DataFlex debug files
*.loc                --> Studio tempfile VDF12+

I'm wondering if we should remove .exe files as well as those can be compiled from scratch and don't really belong in a source repository in my opinion. In my opinion a released binary should just be put available as download, not versioned.

We could opt for having prn and prp files stored in the repository as they actually do contain valuable information and i know that Sture uses them for troubleshooting (me too sometimes) For the data files, at the very least we should version .def .tag .fd files as they are all plain text files and i think we _do_ want to know it if they change. But what to do with the files DDClasslist.xml and Classlist.xml ?

Why trunks and branches

Seems to me that this is only useful to apply to the bigger projects like "The Hammer", cWindowsEX, etcetera. where you actually will end up having multiple active branches (the alternative is to use compiler directives *yuck*) as not all projects are always used in the latest vdf version only.

I really do not wish to push developers to the last version, it is _their_ choice, something that is deemed important with open source. Besides that, not every company wants to have the overhead of having to bring your application to the next dataflex version on a yearly bases. Remember this -usually- small step means that you must retest everything when taking Q&A seriously.

OTOH bogging down the code with compiler directives makes the code harder to manage, read and understand. So for the moment my suggestion is to only use branches for the bigger projects. I suppose we can always add a branch later on if a package needs it?

jka 21:43, 21 February 2008 (CET) Know I actually think about it - I don't think there will be any issues in setting up the default structure of the svnserver to allow for branches for all projects

- I mean you _have_ to actively choose to make a branch if you don't codily happily along in the trunk . So for me it could be a good - clean approach to support branches for all projects pr. default.

It will be harder to make a branch somewhere in the future if we don't support it from the start - so maybe we should give it some more thought. Maybe have a vote?

I vote 'aye' for supporting branches pr default on all projects on

Wil 21:51, 21 February 2008 (CET) Ok, setting it up in a consistent way sounds pretty good to me.

I found this link in the svn docs: . It seems relevant --Jka 22:31, 21 February 2008 (CET)

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