Using the VDF Tools Wiki Feature

Revision as of 23:27, 16 December 2007 by Torkildr (talk | contribs)

The VDF Tools Wiki link feature was designed to easily integrate VDF Tools with a project Wiki. A root URL specified in the project properties is combined with the currently selected keyword in the source code in order to form an URL.

Select the project properties and the VDF catogory for entering the wiki root URL.

The idea is that certain words, such as class names can be used to form an URL linking to a page with more extensive documentation of the subject.


We're specifying the URL in the project properties.

We then put the cursor at the word dbView in the following code. Node that VDF Tools will by itself determine what is a word. The entire string must not be selected.

Object oMaintenance_VW is a dbView

   Set Icon to "Wine2.Ico"
   Set Label to "Wine Maintenance"
   Set Location to 10 9
   Set Size to 110 313

Pressing Shift+F2 or selecting Open Keyword in Project Wiki will open the URL